Eggnog Recipe, New Veg Diner, Vegan Resolution, BVS 2010 Year in Review
December 31, 2010

Hello Boston Vegetarian Society!

1)  Bring-in-the-New-Year Eggnog Recipe

2)  New Veg Restaurant in the New Year

3)  Making the Vegan Resolution

4)  BVS 2010 Year in Review


To bring in the new year with a creamy, elegant eggnog, here is a new recipe from the Post Punk Kitchen that uses ripe avocado to give body and richness to a nog with an almond milk and coconut milk base.


The last 14 months have been a rich time for new vegan and vegetarian restaurant openings in the Boston area.  We start the new year with another new opening to anticipate!

Harvard Square's Veggie Planet is planning to open a sister location in Central Square, Cambridge, with a different menu and look -- that of a Diner and Vegan Bakery with booths, a counter with stools, the whole retro motif.  The plan is to open Summer '11 with a  diner-style menu including vegan milkshakes and an on site vegan bakery.  The Boston Herald had a nice writeup:


Care2 has two articles worth sharing:

"With New Year’s just around the corner, what could be a better way of celebrating the season of self-improvement than by resolving to minimize one’s harm to other sentient beings? With veganism gaining greater popularity than ever before, and with new vegan products and services appearing on the market all the time, it has never been easier to make the commitment."
Read more:

The essay linked below starts with some history of the word "vegan" and tells us the European Parliament passed an Amendment giving the word legal protection!  It goes on to thoughtfully discuss how it means more than a diet or lifestyle choice.

"Veganism is an acknowledgment of the responsibility of the individual – the recognition of our obligation to minimize the harm we cause by our existence, and to develop in ourselves the qualities necessary to become citizens of a better future; where no one is oppressed, where no one is treated as a means to an end.
Read more:

4)  BVS 2010 Year in Review

In looking back at 2010 we first are grateful to the wonderful volunteers who have given so much of their time, talents, and labor to our shared mission.  It is a pleasure and an honor to be part of such a community.

In BVS we try to educate on the whys and hows of plant-based living, and show how it is not only fun and easy to live this way, but interesting and very rewarding as well.

The Boston Vegetarian Food Festival goes a long way to this end, and can you believe it -- our 15th Annual in '10, our second year expanded to two days! The event brought together renowned experts and celebrity chefs from across the country and Canada, helped vegan businesses to grow, and introduced thousands of attendees to a wide variety of plant foods readily available in the marketplace.

Our Festival got media coverage in virtually every substantial print media outlet in the region, several radio shows, plus some national media such as Martha Stewart Living Radio.

The Festival is our biggest event of the year, but in 2010 we often had 5 - 9 events per month of education, outreach, and building the vegetarian community.

We organized outstanding cooking classes with professional chefs in a commercial kitchen where students learn both by demonstration of technique and then by hands-on experience to prepare a multi-course vegan dinner, which we then sit down and enjoy together.

We ran a monthly free speaker series that brought experts to teach on a wide range of topics of interest, from the Philosophy of Vegetarianism, to Wild Edibles, to Farm Animal Liberation, to Healing of Disease, to the Effects of Meat & Dairy Production on Global Warming.

In 2010 BVS ran two subway and bus ad campaigns -- our fall Festival ads, and our spring outreach campaign that expanded for the first time to include the highly visible "bus tails."  Photos:

We did our annual two-week educational display in Harvard Square.

We developed new resource pages on our website on Raising Veg Children, Veg-promoting Films and Documentaries, and Farmers Markets & CSAs.

We staffed exhibitor tables at many fairs and festivals around metro Boston, at the State House and Boston Common, and at schools including the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Suffolk, Emerson, Boston University, Harvard School of Public Health, UMass, and Fenway High.

We sponsored special author events such as Sy Montgomery at our outing at the Peace Abbey, Jonathan Safran Foer, Melanie Joy, and Gene Baur, and generated robust book sales for the authors at our events.

We organized Dining Outs to display the wide range of cuisines available to vegans and get to know each other socially.

We held holiday events to bring the community together for fun and food for Valentines, July 4th, and New Years Day.

We strive to be a group where non-vegetarians can come and learn and thus we warmly welcomed non-vegetarians at our events.

We helped other nonprofit groups that share our goals - providing space at our Festival for them to gain visibility and to build their memberships and lists and raise funds.

We shared relevant news and local items of interest with the BVS community via our (hopefully informative) eNewsletter and Facebook.

We helped countless students writing papers and magazine articles on vegetarianism or on BVS, and served as an information source to the media and the public.

We look ahead to a great 2011 in partnership with our BVS members and friends to make this a better world for all!