Veg Festival Updates, Membership Special, Festival T Shirt, Globe Choice, Improper Bostonian
October 19, 2007

Hello Boston Vegetarian Society Listmembers,
*  More Festival Exhibitors Added!
*  You Can Still Volunteer
*  Projector Needed for Speaker Room
*  BVS Membership Drive One-Day-Only Special at Festival
*  New 2007 Festival Commemorative T Shirt!
*  Festival Media - Boston Globe & Improper Bostonian
*  Our big day is just hours away!  Hope you will be with us at the Festival.  We've added even more exhibitors since the last eNews (including locally made vegan ice cream in an array of natural flavors including pumpkin; Jamaican vegan cuisine; fresh mango smoothies with rose & orange essence; and more...)  So take another look at the exhibitor and speaker lists, and plan your day!
*  Thank you to all who have volunteered - the response has been heartening!  If you haven't yet offered to help, it's not too late!  Just hit Reply and offer. 
*  We need an additional projector as a backup in the speaker room.  Could you loan us one for the day?  Hit reply, please!
*  We'll be running a BVS membership drive "one day only special" at the Festival, so this is your chance to support BVS and get a special offer: - We'll knock $5 off our $20 membership fee (and off the $30 for family) AND - your name will be entered in a drawing from the day's memberships for a free Soyajoy soymilk maker!  Drawing is Sat. at 6 PM.
Stop at the BVS tables in the lobby and just inside the exhibitor room to join!
*  We'll have a handsome new Festival T-shirt design on organic cotton.  Organic cotton wears so well, becoming very soft, and not fraying around the neck.  Please buy some Festival Ts! 
(There will also be organic cotton Festival Ts from last year's fest, and some 2007 design non-organics because our supplier ran out of organic.)
*  We got a nice writeup as the first pick in the Globe Calendar's Choice section!
*  If all goes as anticipated, we should have a photo and writeup in the Improper Bostonian that comes out today.

See you Saturday!

Boston Vegetarian Food Festival Organizing Committee:

Alex Chou, Debra Collura, Randall Collura, Kevin Coyne, Maysoon Hamdiyyah, Evelyn Kimber, Mark Patrick, Beverly Rich, Blakely Sullivan, Al Willis, and Melanie Wisner

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